Abstract art. Easter egg.  Diana Aprelskaya. Original original paintings.
Abstract art. Easter egg. Diana Aprelskaya. Original original paintings.



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Abstract art  
Easter egg
Original paintings
Diana Aprelskaya

Easter egg
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Abstract art
acrylic, canvas on cardboard
17.7” x 13.8“
( 45.0 x 35.0 cm )

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Irina Petrova
The child`s world
Canvas oil paintings
Cue cases for pool cue 
Genuine leather 
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin
Cue cases for pool cue 
Genuine leather 
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin

"The child`s world"
Irina Petrova
Canvas oil paintings

Cue cases for pool cue
Genuine leather
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin
Cue cases for pool cue
Genuine leather
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin

Copyright © 2004 - 2024 to ArtHit gallery. All rights reserved.
Any photos, content or images on this website may not be used on another website or by any other party
for any purpose without Original paintings for sale (hyperlink) to www.arthit.ru.
Please contact us for any questions:artlavart@gmail.com


Aprelskaya Diana

Aprelskaya Diana


Contact the Artist:
Aprelskaya Diana

View all artworks of
Aprelskaya Diana

About the artist:

I am an abstract artist. Was born in Germany in 1984. I was interested in drawing from my childhood but have been continuously engaged in painting since 1998. My grandpa was an artist, it was him who convinced me to make the first painting. He was so kind to give me his brushes and oil paints and since that time I can't stop painting... I put my heart into my paintings during the creative process and always watch with keen interest how people perceive my new artworks… because abstract art is a mysterious and unpredictable thing. And the variety of interpretations from my friends and family of my works inspires me with new vigor! I’m sure everyone should believe in oneself to succeed in something. I haven’t got higher education and for this reason my artworks were rejected by many galleries even not being looked at, but I obstinately continued to go ahead, and since 2009 I have been involving in various projects and exhibitions.

February 2009: the exhibition "The Art of Spring" (Naive art)

July, August 2009: esoteric avant-garde-surrealistic project Geysers of subconsciousness-3 "

December 2009: International exhibition-competition "The Spirit and Reality" (where I took the 2nd place in the nomination "Installation" with the artwork "Yin-Yang")

December 2009: esoteric avant-garde surrealistic project "Geysers of subconsciousness-5 " I continue to work in this direction, and very fond of experimenting ...


Oil paintings for sale::


Erofey Evladin<br>
Cue cases for sale

Erofey Evladin
Cue cases for sale

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Elizabeth Urabe
Color Me Freedom Adult Coloring Book 
Adult Coloring books have become the latest fad, 
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both professional and personal,
giving rise to a desperate need 
for innovative ways of relieving stress.

"Color Me Freedom!"
Adult Coloring Book
by Elizabeth Urabe


Abstract art. Original paintings by Diana Aprelskaya. Original abstract art.