Oil paintings for sale. Abstract art. My Courtyard. Mutall Avaz
Oil paintings for sale. Abstract art. My Courtyard. Mutall Avaz



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'My Courtyard'. Mutall Avaz

My Courtyard
Mutall Avaz. All artworks  >>
Abstract art
oil, canvas
9.8” x 11.8“
( 25.0 x 30.0 cm )
Price: $ 850 / € 770

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Please contact us for any questions:artlavart@gmail.com


Mutall Avaz

Mutall Avaz


Contact the Artist:
Mutall Avaz

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View all artworks of
Mutall Avaz

About the artist:

Avaz Mutall - cinema artist, painter, was born in 1953 in Tashkent. Lives and works in Moscow.

"The most important thing for me is composition. Powerful composition is the foundation of a painting. The imaginative solution of the painting is important too. I often write down my thoughts before trying to find the exact composition, making little drawings with a pencil or ballpoint pen. Normally it takes hundreds of drawings before I find the right composition and decide on the size of the painting, the material I am going to use, and the tools I will need – a brush, palette knife, or finger. In the process of searching I also determine where the center of the composition should be. Typically, the composition has a single center, but sometimes it has two centers. In this case one center must defer to and complement the other.

While working with color, I try to make sure that no two colors produce the same sound, tone or volume. A painting is like a person. It can be gentle, wise, cheerful, gloomy, quiet or excited. That depends on the mood and the state of the soul of the artist. All the secrets of the artist's soul are transferred to the canvas. When I am in a bad mood, I do not take up the brush. When the mood is right, though, I work very quickly to catch the inspiration and fleeting impulses of feelings.

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Oil paintings for sale. Abstract art. My Courtyard. Mutall Avaz