Parting Christ. Ilyas Phaizulline. Mystical realism. Paintings for sale
Parting Christ. Ilyas Phaizulline. Mystical realism. Paintings for sale



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Parting Christ
Ilyas Phaizulline
mystical realism
original paintings

Parting Christ
oil, canvas, 2000
200 x 170 cm

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Irina Petrova
The child`s world
Canvas oil paintings
Cue cases for pool cue 
Genuine leather 
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin
Cue cases for pool cue 
Genuine leather 
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin

"The child`s world"
Irina Petrova
Canvas oil paintings

Cue cases for pool cue
Genuine leather
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin
Cue cases for pool cue
Genuine leather
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin

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Ilyas Phaizulline:

Parting Christ
A beardless Christ with a powerful athletic body is my vision of the revived Parting Christ the people. On the mountain at the left of the painting are allegorical figures of his devoted pupils. Beneath his legs lies a modern city. In the distance, figures of executioners dominate the rocks on his left and right. God the father looks at the ground and at Christ, calling him to himself.

Христос уходящий
Решение Христа без бороды с мощным атлетическим телом – это мое видение воскресшего Христа, уходящего от людей. На горе слева аллегорические фигуры преданных ему учеников. Внизу под ногами современный город. Вдали на скалах справа и слева фигуры палачей. На него и землю смотрит Бог-отец и призывает его к себе




Oil paintings for sale::


Erofey Evladin<br>
Cue cases for sale

Erofey Evladin
Cue cases for sale

Abstract art by
Elizabeth Urabe
Color Me Freedom Adult Coloring Book 
Adult Coloring books have become the latest fad, 
with the rampant disharmony in people`s lives, 
both professional and personal,
giving rise to a desperate need 
for innovative ways of relieving stress.

"Color Me Freedom!"
Adult Coloring Book
by Elizabeth Urabe
