Unconditional mercy of the universe Belov Valentin. All artworks >>
Cosmism acrylic, canvas 39.4” x 31.5“ ( 100.0 x 80.0 cm ) Price: $ 5000 / € 4780 FOR SALE
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From a pure heart an artist Valentin Belov continues to shock and astonish all sincere admirers of his talent at a series of paintings entitled Higher Cosmic
Harmony of Absolute Acceptance. Colorful emotions, vivid imagination, deep figurative notions, acute sensitivity determine genuine talent of the painter.
The wealth of inner life and the prevalence of deep over the uperficial are revealed in his paintings. The precedence of internal world over the external world, the total
sensitiveness and lability of emotions. Frequent and rapid change of images, impressions and experienced emotions. Rational and irrational boundaries are blurred,
creating images of psychological reality and the world of dreams. Works successfully retain all that is happening in the soul of the artist.
In the mystery of the artist's paintings everything is completely unrealistic to complete freedom of action and gaining a sense of planetary energies.
Spontaneous force of creation is transformed into something soft spiritually enriching everyone. Surrounding reality is perceived emotionally and sublime.
The basic conceptual framework of the artworks gives a sense of mysteriousness, delicate finesse is combined with feelings of tenderness and refinement.
The main feeling caused by the contemplation of this series of paintings evokes intuitive energy, promotes penetration into the essence of spiritual
evolution of human, into the polygonality of his mind.
The artist in his search gets into a different reality where the ...