Digital art. Digital art. At Midsummer night. Shtykova Irina
Digital art. Digital art. At Midsummer night. Shtykova Irina



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'At Midsummer night'. Shtykova Irina

At Midsummer night
Shtykova Irina. All artworks  >>
Digital art
19.7” x 27.6“
( 50.0 x 70.0 cm )
Price: $ 40 / € 30

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The child`s world
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Cue cases for pool cue 
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Cue cases for pool cue
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Cue cases for pool cue
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Shtykova Irina

Shtykova Irina


Contact the Artist:
Shtykova Irina

Artist's website:

View all artworks of
Shtykova Irina

About the artist:

The voice of beauty speaks softly;
it creeps only into the most fully awakened...

Friedrich Nietzsche.

There are fundamental pictures, which were conceived long ago, sometimes in childhood, but are born only after many years finding the right time and the emotional state of the artist. Creativity is the way that includes desire and search.

After photography was invented realism lost its meaning as a reality transmission. It was replaced by impressionism . This is the best way to transfer feelings of the artist.

Feelings are inherent inherent in all living organisms . Human life would be empty without them. Only works of art can capture the full range of emotions: the strong and shrill, delicate and slightly perceptible .

Are there any criteria of artistic works? Which of them are timeless and will live forever?

The artist often does not think about the future of his work. He creates a semblance of himself, which reflects his spirit, his thoughts.

However the main criterion for evaluation is the beauty . This is the main feature of our planet. Ugliness and deformity arouse disgust . Beauty will save the world .

The artist lives and works in Moscow.

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Erofey Evladin
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Digital art. Digital art. At Midsummer night. Shtykova Irina