Svetlana Eremova lives in Moscow. She worked as a stage director, was engaged in writing and now in painting. She studied at the Moscow school of icon painting and also at Sergey Andriyaka Watercolor School. The artist`s compositions, pictures, graphics and the application techniques teacher was Helen Gudkova, the member of the Union of Artists of Russia.
The talent of Svetlana Eremova was discovered by Yevgeny Skrynnikov, the member of the Union of Artists of Russia. Amazing Bavaria not only inspired her with its beauty, but also helped the artist to see and hear the rhythms of nature. The Society "Circle of Independent Artists" gave Svetlana Eremova the opportunity to hold an exhibition in Kempten and to show her works to the public. The motto of her creative work "The energy of the world is the nature of the world" remains to this day.