Mystical. Sandhya Shetty. Contemporary impressionism paintings. impressionism painters, contemporary oil paintings, impressionism art
Impressionism. Mystical. Impressionism oil paintings. Sandhya Shetty



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Sandhya Shetty
Oil paintings

Mystical Landscape
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oil, canvas
22.0” x 20.1“
( 56.0 x 51.0 cm )
Price: $ 1500 / € 1410
(Free Worldwide Shipping)

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The child`s world
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Cue cases for pool cue 
Genuine leather 
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Erofey Evladin

"The child`s world"
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Cue cases for pool cue
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Cue cases for pool cue
Genuine leather
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Erofey Evladin

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Sandhya Shetty:

United States

Contact the Artist:
Shetty Sandhya

Was born in India (1976). Art was kind of natural to me and I started painting at the very early age. I graduating with a BA in fine arts from the College of fine arts , Bangalore , India. Worked as a visualizer in advertising agencies , taught applied art at the Institute of fine arts , Bangalore and also painted part time taking up commission works. 8 years ago, I decided to take up painting full time. Since then I have participated in numerous art shows and exhibitions. At present, I live and paint full time in Austin,Tx. My works vary in style and texutre. I love painting landscapes as much as I like portraits. Rural part of India is my main source of inspiration- especially the women. Their simple and natural beauty catches my attention . Their traditional wear reminds me of a peacock - colorful, vibrant and yet so mesmerizing and simple . While painting landscapes too , it is the rustic beauty that catches my attention. I let the paintings evolve naturally and communicate with the viewers, conveying its messages naturally. I have participated in several shows and my works are in fine collection across India , USA, UAE and Europe. Recently I was awarded the deploma of excellence by the Art addiction medial museum. I believe that I have started my journey; the destination is not marked.

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Erofey Evladin
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