Oil paintings. Modernism. Sunny wind. Markova Dasha
Oil paintings. Modernism. Sunny wind. Markova Dasha



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'Sunny wind'. Markova Dasha

Sunny wind
Markova Dasha. All artworks  >>
oil, paste, canvas
27.6” x 19.7“
( 70.0 x 50.0 cm )

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Irina Petrova
The child`s world
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Cue cases for pool cue 
Genuine leather 
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Erofey Evladin
Cue cases for pool cue 
Genuine leather 
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin

"The child`s world"
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Canvas oil paintings

Cue cases for pool cue
Genuine leather
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin
Cue cases for pool cue
Genuine leather
Hand tooled design
Erofey Evladin

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Any photos, content or images on this website may not be used on another website or by any other party
for any purpose without Original paintings for sale (hyperlink) to www.arthit.ru.
Please contact us for any questions:artlavart@gmail.com


Markova Dasha:


Contact the Artist:
Markova Dasha

Artist's website:

She was born in Kazan, later moved to St. Petersburg region. Graduated from Art college named after V. Serov in St. Petersburg.

Daria's pictures like the art of every author reflect the soul of an artist. First of all, this is the reality where happiness and joy prevail. The aim of painting pictures — the manifestation of light into the world of a person: « The path to oneself is the most exciting journey, finding oneself is great happiness...».

Daria's works are canvas and oils and replicas and posters are printed from them. But personal pictures bring out the best of an indidvidual.

Art not only helps discover and reveal one's potential but also transform the world around. People living in harmony with themselves achieve their goals easier .

Daria's works are owned by private collections in Russia, the USA, Argentina, Israel, Greece, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany. They were widely exhibited in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Nizhniy Novgorod.

Oil paintings for sale::


Erofey Evladin<br>
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Erofey Evladin
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Oil paintings. Modernism. Sunny wind. Markova Dasha