Original canvas painting for sale. Conceptual symbolism. Red hallucination. Priyma Elena
Original canvas painting for sale. Conceptual symbolism. Red hallucination. Priyma Elena



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'Red hallucination'. Priyma Elena

Red hallucination
Priyma Elena. All artworks  >>
Conceptual symbolism
acrylic, cardboard, canvas
23.6” x 23.6“
( 60.0 x 60.0 cm )
Price: $ 640 / € 600

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Please contact us for any questions:artlavart@gmail.com


Priyma Elena

Priyma Elena


Contact the Artist:
Priyma Elena

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View all artworks of
Priyma Elena

About the artist:

Priyma Elena Viktorovna was born on March 8, 1967, in Krasnodar. Graduated from the Kuban State Medical University with a degree in «Stomatology». Since 1990 she has been practicing her profession.

Elena began drawing a few years ago, having returned from Australia and being greatly impressed by the Aboriginal art. Elena's first works were painted in point-to-point technique. Later on paintings on natural untreated stones were added to the artist's works.

Inspiration comes to Elena from all corners of the world: India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Japan, Peru, Australia, Brazil, Jordan, Easter Island and many other countries. The artist gets new impressions after each trip and brings new stones which serve as a substitute for canvas.

2014 - Participation in the city art fair "Rainbow Dreams". Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after E.D.Felitsyn.

2015 - Participation in the exhibition "Stone chronicle of the Kuban". Krasnodar State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve named after E.D.Felitsyn. Organized under a joint exhibition-educational project of the museum and the enterprise "Gazprom dobycha Krasnodar" "Time to gather the stones".

2016 - Participation in the art project of arts and crafts, painting and graphics "The World of Woman". Krasnodar Regional Exhibition Hall of Fine Arts.

2017 - Person...


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Original canvas painting for sale. Conceptual symbolism. Red hallucination. Priyma Elena