White dog rose. Ekaterina Metz. Flowers painting. Original paintings
White dog rose. Ekaterina Metz. Flowers painting. Original paintings for sale



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White dog rose
Ekaterina Metz
Flowers paintings

White dog rose
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Still life
oil, canvas
15.7” x 11.8“
( 40.0 x 30.0 cm )
Price: $ 60 / € 50
(Shipping fee not included)

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Any photos, content or images on this website may not be used on another website or by any other party
for any purpose without Original paintings for sale (hyperlink) to www.arthit.ru.
Please contact us for any questions:artlavart@gmail.com


Ekaterina Metz:


Contact the Artist:
Metz Ekaterina

Contact the artist:

I liked drawing pictures from early in my childhood. I’ve been always drawing since I could remember myself. Being a child I decided to become an artist. Now I’m a lawyer, designer by education. Painting always brought me a lot of joy and I devoted all my spare time to it. I became an artist after my heart and mind. I used to try many materials: pastel, watercolor, gouache and acryl. When I was about seventeen I discover oil paints for myself. Now my favourite techniques are oil and acrylic. It gives me great pleasure to work with oils. Every technique has its charm, and arouses special feelings and different tremor which I feel beginning a new work. I also like very much Japanese painting. It is one of the oldest and exquisite among Japanese fine arts which includes wide spectrum of genres and styles. An artist’s task is to express the beauty of the world surrounding him. I like doing it. I hope you’ll get pleasure viewing my works.

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